Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

We survived.

Today was very overwhelming. We had a lot of information thrown at us, and we were only there until 10:30am! But I'm feeling much better about things now that I have a clearer picture of how Emma will be spending her days.

Tomorrow is the true test. Em will get on the bus at 6:45am. She'll arrive at school, eat breakfast, and begin class by 8am. Dismissal is around 1:30pm, and the bus drops her off at 2:15pm. No parental accompaniment. We shall see how it goes, fingers crossed.

Here are a few shots from today.

All dressed up and somewhere to go - kindergarten!
Daily class schedule - they forgot to allot time for breathing!
Emma with new friends Olivia (in her class), Lana and Simona.
Em with classmates and her teacher, Mrs. Parker. Mrs. P will have 30 students in her class with NO aide this year. Thankfully she is young, energetic and seems up to the challenge.
Em listening attentively in her studious pose...she's got the whole "student" thing down already!


Gen said...

um, i'm sorry. does that say CHINESE?

Annie Crow said...

Ditto the previous comment.

Jen the Rambler said...

Oh yeah, you bet it does...she's in the accelerated program so believe it or not, every day they study Chinese. Plus she's skipping straight to first grade levels in reading and math. She even has HOMEWORK! Crazy...