Friday, January 22, 2010

Sophie at 2

Sophie had her two year wellness visit yesterday. She has matured so much! She used to cry the minute strangers even looked at her, but she was so good in the doctor's office. She chatted with the nurse and flirted with Dr. McD. She didn't flinch or shrink away when they touched her. She did cry during her two shots, but the tears magically disappeared the moment she was promised a lollipop. Who knew lime suckers alleviate pain faster and better than any amount of ibuprofen? (And how come nobody offered me a lollipop during childbirth?!)

Sophie's getting bigger too. She was a large newborn, went through a tiny peanut phase, and now seems to be back on track. She's 27.9 lbs and 35 inches tall, which puts her roughly in the 60th percentile for her age. I don't know if she'll ever be as tall as Emma, but she is doing her level best to catch up. Considering Sophie mimics everything about her beloved big sister, this comes as no surprise.

And the terrible twos? Oh yes, they continue, right on schedule. The pictures below pretty much sum up the Jekyl/Hyde aspect of Sophie's personality right now. Just before the first photo, we were giggling and being silly and I asked her to smile for the camera. She did a complete 180 in 1.5 seconds and inexplicably screamed, "NOOOOOO!" I was so startled that I hit the button on the camera by accident. When my face fell and I dropped the camera with a sigh, she gently touched my hand and said, "Okay Mama, my smile now." Hence the second pic.

Yep, she's definitely a two-year-old.

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