Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Chalkboard of Feelings

I sent the girls to their own rooms for some much-needed alone time after an afternoon of seemingly endless arguing between the two. Emma didn't get a chance to grab her doll Molly beforehand, and I wouldn't let her go back out and get her. (In all honesty, mostly because I was feeling too pissy/petty/annoyed to answer anything other than "No" in the moment.)

A few minutes later, she told me to come read what she'd written to me on her chalkboard. "If something is underlined," Em explained, "that means I REALLY mean it." Here's what the chalkboard said:

I told her that she had expressed her feelings very clearly, and I was proud of her for putting her anger into words instead of screaming or throwing a fit. However, I admitted that when I heard she'd written something especially for me, I had hoped it might be something nice.

A few minutes later, she called me back in to read this:

Good gravy, do I love this girl.

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