Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Doctor Doctor, Give Me The News

Today brought yet another trip to the doctor for both girls. As soon as we arrived back home from Indiana Sunday, our good friend Fever was waiting to welcome us with open arms. Em's temperature has been up (way up, scary up) and down ever since. Sophie had her 6 month immunizations today, so we combined two appointments in one trip and headed out to see Dr. McDermott.

Emma is now back on antibiotics, plus a four-times-daily dose of Albuterol. But the up side is that she got a breathing treatment (she LOVES breathing treatments) and scored four stickers. Sophie screamed her bloody head off with each of the three shots she was forced to endure, but she recovered quickly after a brief bout of nursing and a hit of Tylenol. For those into stats, Sophie weighs in at a robust 17 lbs, 2 oz and is 23 3/4 inches long. She's almost exactly the same size Emma was at this age, so if nothing else at least we are consistent.

Next up: Children's Memorial on Thursday for Sophie's physical therapy evaluation, and then a follow up for Emma on Monday. Fingers crossed on both.

To end on a more positive note, I'm including a picture below that I've dubbed "Sophie in a Blanket." She is starting to figure out how to roll continually now, and the other day she rolled herself right up in the quilt her Great Nonnie sent her. Snug as a bug in a rug. Pretty cute, huh?

1 comment:

anonymous said...

I have an Albuterol inhaler, although thankfully I don't need it all the time. I feel for ya, Em!