Monday, November 8, 2010

Red is definitely your color

Sophie colored this picture over the weekend.

I know, I know. You're thinking I've finally lost my mind and officially crossed over to the parental dark side, aren't you? Hell, maybe you even think I've been a happy resident of said dark side for years. Either way, you know the place I'm talking about...that softly lit, fuzzy-bordered alternate reality all parents succumb to the minute they start buying into the delusion that every single thing their precious, unique, singular child does is off-the-charts amazing and must be shared with the rest of the world. (i.e., "Billy blew a raspberry that sounded just like 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.' Call the papers!" "Lily made a smiley face on the bathroom wall using her own poo - she's so brilliant!" "Ben can count all the way to ten while scratching his butt...his own butt, people! Do you not SEE the genius inside this kid?????!")

Maybe I am one of these parents, and maybe I am not. I go back and forth on it myself. Regardless, it struck me as pretty cool that my almost-three-year-old singled out all the people in the picture and then colored them kinda-sorta within the lines. Usually her artwork consists of wild scribbles and the occasional lopsided circle, so this is definitely progress.

Oh dear god. It just hit me. I am actually blogging - proudly - about how well my toddler uses crayons. Jesus. Okay, I concede. I AM one of those parents. I guess there's nothing left to do now but embrace it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go corner some random schmuck and gush at length about Sophie's mad nose picking skills. 

1 comment:

Annie Crow said...

I'd be thrilled if Buddy did this. He's also at the wild scribbles stage.