Friday, November 5, 2010

Reflections on a week of Bleggh

This has been a rather disappointing week. I've been sick, so that sucks. I've not accomplished practically anything I set out to do, so that sucks. I've felt (and am still feeling) sluggish and unmotivated and generally sorta crappy, so that...well, you get the point.

Due to all of the above...and because sometimes I am just plain lazy ("Sometimes?" I can hear my husband saying in my head), I haven't been recording the wonderful and inexplicable doings of my two smallest roommates as much as I usually do. I guess in the future if they ask about this particular week of their lives, I'll just tell them they slept a lot. (Yeah. I wish.)

Here are the snippets my befuddled mind managed to retain from the week:

Trying to help Emma wash her face in the bath, I get some (tear-free) soap in her eye.
"STOP IT! You are giving me a disease!" she shrieks.
Sophie and Emma are fighting about...something.
Sophie: "No, I not!"
Emma: "Yes, you are!"
Rinse. Repeat.
Finally, Emma enunciates in a low, deliberate growl: "Y. E. S. Space. Y. O. U. Space. A. R. E."
Mid-tantrum, Sophie throws a spoon across the room. It crashes against the wall before clanging loudly to the floor. Complete silence ensues. I stare at Sophie. Sophie stares at me. We wait each other out, engaged in the mother of all staring contests.
In my most serious voice, I finally ask, "Now, what do you say?"
She narrows her eyes, points to the spoon, and says, "Get it."
I ask Emma if she is excited to start ballet lessons.
"I guess. I mean, I already KNOW how to be a ballerina. But I guess I can help the other kids."
While waiting to pay for our groceries, Sophie suddenly declares, "Mommy, you a witch."
The store clerk and I share a god-she-is-so-damn-CUTE smile.
"Oooh, that sounds fun," I play along. "I can cackle and do magic and say 'Abra-cadabra.' But why is Mommy a witch?"
"Because. Your hair is really crazy," Sophie answers. "And also, you mean."


Anonymous said...

I think Bleggh was contagious this week - I was the same way and slightly perked up today for no other reason than I had lunch scheduled with my writer's group and I KNEW I could vent with them and they wouldn't tell me what I had to do or not do (as Dave does).

Here's my feelings about Emma and Sophie:

Emma is destined for success in either an artistic endeavor or something connected to research (her questioning mind) or perhaps medicine, law or finance.

Sophie is destined for success as a CEO - she is becoming the consummate manager!

Hope the Blegghs go away this weekend. Do you think there's a vaccine for it?? Wait a second - there is! It was originally meant for people who lived in cities and seemed to frequently contract the Blegghs - so they named it Cosmopolitan. And you can either drink it - or some prefer to take it straight in shots!

Love, Mom Pat

Annie Crow said...

I'm sorry, I'm always so amused by Sophie's shenanigans. I know I wouldn't be amused on the other end of it (and boy I know that day is coming, Buddy has a wicked, wicked little smile that he pulls out whenever he's about to do something "bad"), but gosh I just admire her spunk and straightforwardness.

Thankfully it seems like a bad week gets followed by a good one... I don't know if that's true when you have more than one.

And a cosmo sounds like the perfect antidote. Whisky sours are my new remedy of choice.