Friday, December 17, 2010

Currents: Emma

Okay, I'm totally stealing this whole idea from my friend Genevieve. (Thanks, Gen.) So, here is Emma at six and a half years old. Sophie will follow soon.
Current Books: At the moment, she is reading Junie B. Jones, Boss of Lunch. She loves the Secrets of Droon series and recently finished all the Judy Moody books. She is deep into chapter books and reads way beyond the level typical for her age.

Current Music: Tis the season, and she's really digging Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You." She still loves that dumbass "Tik Tok" song by Ke$ha. (And no, that's not a typo - the girl actually spells her professional name with a dollar sign, which is just another in a long list of reasons why I can't stand her.) She also loves Taylor Swift's "You Belong To Me" and "Love Story." And Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance." And Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream."

Current TV/Film: She just saw The Wizard of Oz and it was love at first sight. She also digs the Barbie movies and recently discovered Home Alone. For TV, it's all "Powerpuff Girls" all the time around here.

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Pushing her sister's buttons. She loves to make faces at Sophie or whisper things to her when she thinks I'm not paying attention. She does not do this to entertain her sister (I wish!); she does it to get a rise out of her. When Sophie then starts screaming at the top of her lungs and we ask Emma what happened, the answer is always, "I don't know." Or sometimes she shouts "I didn't do anything!" before we've even asked what's wrong, which is always a dead giveaway that she's guilty as sin.

Current Color: Always always always

Current Links: She likes to go on Nick Jr.'s website and use their drawing pad. At school she visits sites like Study Island during computer class. That's about it. Oh - I also show her some of the songs from "Glee" online. Of course, "Teenage Dream" was her favorite.

Current Fetish: Her diary and her notebook. She has to have something with her to write or draw in wherever she goes. She carries her notebook in her backpack...she used to carry her diary too, but it was stolen at school and complete devastation ensued, so she doesn't take it there anymore. She typically uses her notebook for songs and pictures, and she records her dreams in her diary. I am so happy that expressing herself artistically has already become such a vital part of her life.

Current Outfit: Today she wore a patterned sweater dress with red tights and her beloved black ankle boots. 

Current Fragrance: Hmmm...this is tough. Emma always smells like Emma to me, a fragrance impossible to describe yet so unique that I would recognize it blindfolded. I will say that she has some nasty sleep breath first thing in the morning, which just started happening in the last year. Gone are the days of sweet baby/toddler breath all the time. I think it's because she sleeps with her mouth wide open, just like her Daddy. She chews watermelon Trident on the bus every morning b/c she's such a bear to wake up before school that I can't get her to brush her teeth.

Current Drink: Orange juice or chocolate milk. Sometimes green tea or apple juice. Once in awhile Gatorade or this special passion fruit blend she loves. She covets Sunkist, but I will only let her have it on New Year's Eve. (The rest of the year we have a strict No Soda policy.)

Current Wish List: Sunkist, to rule the world, to stay the night at her friend Olivia P.'s house "all the time every day!", no more homework, to sleep in on school days, to have parents who don't tell her what to do, to get Tivo season passes to "Hannah Montana" and "iCarly" (I flatly refuse), to live in Indiana.

Current Triumph: She recently lost her first tooth, and although I'm not sure this technically counts as a triumph, she sure treated it as one. She was prouder than I've ever seen her. She also got all As on her first quarter report card and received a blue Honor Roll ribbon. She was narrator in her class play Spiderella, and she just mastered how to fast forward through commercials on the TV. Gosh, what else? I feel like she experiences little triumphs every day. Her ballet teacher told me she's a natural and should be taking classes at the Joffrey (which I will sign her up for immediately after winning the lottery); she was one of only 16 kids in her entire school of 1500 students to be selected by a casting director to audition for a national Lunchables billboard campaign (she didn't end up booking the job, but she had a ball at the photo shoot); and she now knows how to do double digit subtraction and is tackling basic algebra in math.

Current Bane Of Her Existence: When Sophie or I ask, "Did you have a fun day at school?" Apparently this makes Emma so mad that she wants to hit us, as she so bluntly explained to me in the car yesterday. She also hates wearing pants.

Current Celebrity Crush: Hmmm...she doesn't really know of many celebrities. She's still grappling with the knowledge that actors on TV are real people with real lives separate from the characters they are playing. Same with music - she doesn't connect the voice singing to an actual person; to her, it's just a voice. I showed her a picture of Taylor Swift on the cover of Entertainment Weekly and she was horrified that that was the person responsible for some of her favorite songs. I believe she said that Taylor looked like a magician. (In Emma's defense, Ms. Swift was dressed up in a tuxedo.) I guess her biggest "crushes" right now are probably Santa and the Tooth Fairy. She also loves Jack Black. He guest starred on episodes of "Yo Gabba Gabba" and "iCarly" and Emma declared him goofy "in the best way."

Current Indulgence: She has a wicked sweet tooth and will go after almost anything sugary. Some of her favorites are Fun Dip, Oreos and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

Current Excitement: She is very excited to go to Florida next week. She also gets excited when she creates what she declares to be the "perfect" picture; when I let her watch "iCarly"; when we go get donuts for breakfast; when Daddy lets her play his Nintendo DS; when she gets to stay up past her bedtime; when Aunt Jayme babysits; going to the movies or a play; and when Mommy doesn't have to go to rehearsal and can put her to bed.

Current Mood: Grumpy. Em yelled at me three times during the walk back from the bus stop. Right now she is in her room writing "I will not scream at my mother" 25 times. We'll see if it works.

1 comment:

Gen said...

Love it. That picture is awesome. I love that you can see her missing tooth. But what on EARTH is she holding? I feel about that thing the way Emma felt about Taylor Swift, I think.