Friday, June 26, 2009

A Glimpse Inside the Mind of a Five Year Old

Some great Emma comments/questions from the last few days:

(After discovering her friend Brianna wasn't at the gym b/c her brother is having surgery) "Well, she could have come by herself, you know. That's just not a very good excuse."

(Heading to Potbelly's for lunch) "Yay! We're going to Hotbelly's! I'm gonna blow really hard on my food so my belly doesn't burn up."

"Boy, Sophie sure is stubborn. She just loves to hit my buttons."

"My new friend is 7 years old, and she said she would wait until I turned 7 too before she had another birthday so we can be the exact same age!"

"Wow, there sure are a lot of ambli-ences on the road today. I guess a lot of people are hurt. I bet the ambli-ence drivers are really excited!"

"Daddy, does my brain grow?"

"I love needles, like the needle they used with the spray on my arm when I was brave and I only cried a little bit and now needles are my friend."

"Grandpa Kitty told me that if who's on first, then what's on second? But I don't understand why that's funny."

"If Daddy's 4 and 2 years old, then doesn't that make him 6?"

"I am really good at taking a bath and scrub scrub scrubbing all my dirty skin off! Except when Sophie poops in the bath and then you yell 'Bath time's over!' and we jump out of the water so we don't get icky poo on our clean skin."

"No matter what, I will always be older than Sophie because I'm her big sister and that's my job."

"Callie told me that if you swallow gum in your tummy then it makes you fart bubbles."

1 comment:

chrismath said...

She didn't REALLY say the fart bubbles bit, did she? I laughed out loud at that.