Sunday, March 22, 2009

Best Friends in the Making

We just got back from Indiana, where we celebrated Grifin's birthday. The weather was beautiful, and we spent all weekend hanging out as a family and letting the kids enjoy each other. Grifin is now officially a teenager, which hasn't stopped blowing my mind. Callie and Emma were joined at the hip as usual, alternately playing/exploring/fighting. And the two youngest continued to solidify their bond. This video is a classic example of how Cadin and Sophie interact. They constantly study one another - looking, smiling, touching, trying to figure each other out. It is too adorable, truly. I'm so thankful they each have a cousin so close in age to grow up with. What a gift!

This Just In...

According to the Chicago Public School system, Emma Bloom Mathews is not gifted.

I feel 10% offended, 90% relieved.

And so, the search for Emma's school next year continues.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I scream, you scream, we all scream...or at least Sophie does

Sophie is 100% enmeshed in a screaming phase. She screams when she is happy, sad, angry, frustrated, excited, etc. She refuses to say (or scream!) any actual words, no matter how much she is encouraged to do so. Instead, she just screeches her communication in different inflections and expects us to decipher the meaning based on how many decibels she is using.

I believe this video's screams fall into the "excited" category, although perhaps it would be more accurate to file them under "mysterious/miscellaneous?"

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Naughty

This morning Emma asked me, "Mommy, why do you get angry at me sometimes?"
I explained that I get frustrated when she acts naughty because she knows better.
"Well, I've been trying really really hard not to be naughty," Em replied.
I told her I was glad of that, and encouraged her to keep trying.
"But I can't handle it," Emma lamented. "It's just too much, and sometimes the naughty jumps right out of me."
"Oh really? It just 'jumps right out of you,' huh?"
"Yep," Emma answered. "So see, it's really not my fault, Mommy. Next time, get mad at The Naughty, not at me."

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ballet and pudding

Today was Emma's last ballet class for awhile, so I decided to document with the camera. Here she is with her teacher and fellow ballerinas.
And in other news...Sophie loves pudding.
Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sizing up the situation

Sophie just had her 15 month checkup. Two shots, everything good. Surprisingly, the doctor wasn't too concerned about her not walking yet. I had prepared myself for a fight that didn't happen. However, the intriguing part of the visit is that I discovered Sophie is rather small for her age. I mean, she's not petite or anything - in fact, height-wise she's right at 50%. (Although she was writhing around so violently when the nurse measured her that I've no idea how accurate that is.)

However, she's in between the 10th and 25th percentile for weight. In fact, she's a full three pounds lighter than her sister was at 15 months. Considering she comes from a long line of mammoth Mathews and Sellers children, I was kinda shocked. Of course, I started to freak out that we aren't feeding her enough or something, but the doctor said she's in the totally normal range for her height and is making a natural progression from her birth weight - she's just on the lower end of the spectrum.

Then it occurred to me that all this time my family's been making this huge deal over my nephew Cadin's gigantic size in comparison to Sophie (not without reason - Cadin is three months younger and outweighs Sophie by a good 7-8 lbs.), when in reality, it isn't so much that Cadin is's that Sophie is small. Or at least, they split the difference. This revelation will make my sister Cara very happy, because she's getting a complex about strangers/family/friends/anyone exclaiming "Whoa! What a Big Boy!" the minute they get a glimpse of Cadin. (Of course, I can relate...I'm comfortable with Sophie's size as long as she's healthy, yet if people started schreeching, "Oh my God, she's so SMALL!" at the sight of her, I'd probably start to get defensive too.)

So see, Cara? Cadin's not that big! It's just that my child is a munchkin!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mommy through Emma's Eyes

Okay, I'm stealing a Facebook idea for my blog. There's this chain letter on FB where you are supposed to ask your child the following questions about yourself and write down their answers exactly how they respond. Sophie can't really participate yet, but I asked Emma. For better or worse, here is what she said. [Funny story: when we were done, she said she was going to "go research the answers that you asked me," and then she started writing down stuff in ink and saying "um hmm, uh huh" to herself until I realized she was scribbling all over our checks and I made her stop.]

1. What is something mom always says to you?
I love you.

2. What makes mom happy?
When I share you something.

3. What makes mom sad?
When I'm being rude.

4. How does your mom make you laugh?
This is how you make me giggle: [in funny voice] Iloveyousomuch.

5. What was your mom like as a child?
Like your hair was the color of my hair, a little bit.

6. How old is your mom?

7. How tall is your mom?
I believe it's THIS tall. [stretches arms out as far as they will go]

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Play ball with me.

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
You play with Sophie a lot.

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
I really don't know what in the heck you're saying.

11. What is your mom really good at?
You're really, really good at throwing the ball and picking out clothes.

12. What is your mom not very good at?
You're not very good at drawing, a little bit.

13. What does your mom do for her job?
You work on the computer and you play a show.

14. What is your mom's favorite food?
Pop Tarts.

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
Sometimes when I'm sad you give me a little treat.

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
WallE or Grandma Kitty.

17. What do you and your mom do together?
We dance together and play together.

18. How are you and your mom the same?
You have the same color body as I have.

19. How are you and your mom different?
Because we don't share the same things because I'm just a kid and I have kid stuff and you have none toys to play with and so we have different things.

20. What's your favorite thing about Mom?
We play hide and seek together.

21. What's your least favorite thing about Mom?
I don't like it when you take things away from me that I can't have all day because it's a rule.

22. How do you know your mom loves you?
Because you say that you love me!

23. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
To a restaurant! How about to Red Lobster?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Notes from Emma

Apparently Emma was very sad at school today because she missed Mommy and Daddy and Sophie. So her teacher Jake suggested she write us about her day. Here is the note she brought home, verbatim (transcribed by Jake, of course - she is brilliant, but still...she's only 4):

Dear Mommy,
Today we put YELLOW and GREEN and RED and BLUE drops in cups with vinegar and baking soda and poured it into a volcano and it exploded all over the place! I helped make the volcano. I also want to say I love you, Mama, and I miss you.

Dear Daddy,
I miss you, Daddy, and I love you and I've been saying "I want to go home" all day at school because I miss Sophie and I think Sophie would love to play with me and I love Sophie so much. Goo Goo Ga Gee Gee, Sophie!


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Addendum to Rainy Sunday

Can I just share right now that my four-year-old is in her room - where she is supposed to be sleeping - currently singing some made-up song at the top of her lungs? I shall start to transcribe the lyrics as I hear them:

It's true that I know, it's true, it's true, yeah it's true, it's true that I know how bad it can get, it's so amazing, you can't even stop, it's sinful, it's horrible, like lightning in the eye, high in the sky, the light is blinding and flashing and whirling and swirling, whoa-oh-oh-ohh! It's painful to be...painful to be...painful to be...MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

That's just a small snippet, and you really need to hear the delivery to get the full effect, but still...I believe it is now official that my child is highly dramatic. And highly creative. A potentially lethal combination, but in this moment I just find it highly entertaining.

Rainy Sunday

Ah, lazy Sundays. Sophie is now fever-free, although still very cranky. Emma has a low fever, but is otherwise in a good mood. It was rainy and dark and gloomy outside today, so we all stayed in pjs and chilled.

I am continually amazed at how much the girls enjoy interacting with each other. It is so much fun to see. Even with Sophie at her moodiest, seeing Emma almost always makes her smile. Here are a couple pics of our ladies today - right after Sophie climbed right up into her sister's lap - just hanging out and lovin' each other.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The look of a winner

Sophie's fever is gone today, but she still isn't herself. She's been moody as hell and hasn't slept since 10am, although Chris and I have tried to lay her down for naps or night-night no less than seven times since then. Here she is around 8pm, after the last time we caved and got her back up. She had just finished speed-dialing her Grandma three times in a row. Is this not the face of a girl who is sure of her dominance over us puny parental units?

Friday, March 6, 2009

Illness Update

Day three of Sophie's fever, and poor Soph is a mess - clingy, cranky, sleepy, angry, disoriented, distraught, lethargic, and just all-around out-of-it.

Of course, this means we are still homebound, and after three days of missing the gym I'm starting to go a little batty. But I did drag the girls out for a brief visit to the park this morning. The weather was so gorgeous here today that I couldn't bear to stay inside. Emma bounced around from one playground attraction to the next like an inmate just released from jail while I tried to get Sophie to enjoy something, anything. Swing? No. Slide? No. Dirt? No.

After realizing that Emma had run halfway across the park grounds in her quest for the perfect tree to climb, I shouted at her to come back. She ignored me, of course. So I delivered the devastating news that we were going home because she hadn't listened to me. Emma reacted typically: she reared her head back, screamed at the top of her lungs and threw herself to the ground. Sophie looked down at Emma writhing in the mud and let out a little laugh. It was just a short guffaw - really more of a bark - but it was enough of a break from Sophie's relentless displeasure to make me grateful for Em's tantrum. Emma even stopped her wailing to rejoice that she had inadvertently, at least for a moment, made her little sister happy.

So here's hoping tomorrow brings a fever-free and ever-smiling Sophie. But if not, odds are definitely in our favor that at some point during the day, Em will throw a fit...and hopefully illicit a chuckle.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cabin Fever

Sophie woke up with a fever this morning, so we are homebound. It is rare for us to be stuck inside all day, and I decided to revel in it - we haven't even changed out of pajamas yet. Not having the usual errands or other outside excursions for distractions, we've been making up our entertainment as we go. Here are some highlights from our day.

Sunday, March 1, 2009