Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cool Move, Mrs. Parker

Emma came home from school today practically bursting with excitement because Mrs. Parker had given each of the kids a gift to take home.
This woman has 30 kids in her class! Maybe this is SOP for schoolteachers and I just don't realize it? All I know is that I don't remember getting any gifts from my teachers way back in the day, although admittedly my memory is only slightly better than Dory's. Either way, I think it's pretty cool that Mrs. P. used her very valuable time and money to make a personal keepsake for each member of her class. It makes me feel like Emma is in good hands with a teacher that cares enough to do something like this for her students, you know?

Now I am SO GLAD that we got her a gift weeks ago, because there's no way I'd be sending Emma to school tomorrow empty-handed!

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