Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sidelined by snow and sniffles

Sophie and I are stuck inside today...partly by sickness, partly by choice. I don't want to take her to the gym today because she is a snotty, hacking mess. Normally I'd at least go run an errand or something to help split up the day, but I got to bed really late last night after a long rehearsal and Olympic figure skating on the DVR (of course! Olympics rule!), and it's snowing outside and I'm too tired to deal with all the coats/gloves/hats/boots/snack packing/snow navigating/road slickness required for a simple trip to Target. Therefore, I've declared today one of our rare homebound days.

Since I've got some unexpected time on my hands, I'm gonna post a few random pics while Sophie hangs out with Max and Ruby. Here's one of my favorite recent photos of Emma and Sophie, taken in Florida. I realize I am extraordinarily biased, but I think we've got pretty gorgeous kids.
This next pic is of Chris and Em playing "Roxanne" on Rock Band. There's really nothing more satisfying than passing along a beloved time-wasting activity from parent to child, don't you agree? I love the look of concentration on Emma's face. She really gets into it.
And here's Sophie this morning in her new Little Mermaid nightgown. (If you look closely between the first photo and this one, you can see the difference in Sophie's hair, as referenced in an earlier post. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.) In between sniffs and coughs, she keeps twirling in circles and shouting, "Look, Ariel! My a princess! My spark-el-y! My a spark-el-y princess!"
Lastly, I'll leave you with a goofy video montage of my children at play. For background, let me explain that Emma had just seen The Last of the Dragons, a play about a mean dragon that turns nice, and Sophie had just watched the movie Thumbelina, where basically all the heroine does throughout the film (at least in Sophie's mind, apparently) is run.

And now, I have to go. Sophie has a poopy diaper and is currently beating up the Kleenex box because I won't let her play with scissors.

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