Friday, April 30, 2010

Walt Disney's Walt Disney Performance

Emma had a big performance today at school. The gifted class in each grade put together a special show honoring Walt Disney's many accomplishments, which they then performed for Mr. Disney's visiting daughter Diane. It was a big deal, and the kindergartners stole the show as Mouseketeers. They were soooo cute! Video on that will have to wait, but I did take a few pictures and even managed to snag some covert video of all the kids onstage during the encore. Hope you can pick out Emma - I zoomed in on her as much as my camera would allow. (Hint: She's the one bobbing her head back in forth as she sings.) Chris and I were soooo proud of our little girl!

Emma with her friend Olivia
Emma and her teacher Mrs. Parker
group shot
Some video of the show's encore

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