Sunday, January 20, 2013

These Are Our Demands

Emma and Sophie were upstairs yesterday "cleaning their rooms" (ie, playing/reading/fighting/giggling/procrastinating) when Chris found this note at the foot of the stairs:
(Background: Emma talked Grandma Kitty into buying her a huge stuffed seal from Ikea. She may be the teensiest bit impatient about its arrival.)
Sophie then came downstairs, delivered this note, and solemnly exited the room without a word:
(Background: the kids miss their grandparents, aunt and cousins. A lot.)
They were clearly very serious, so Chris and I were careful to make sure they were both out of sight before cracking up laughing. One thing about kids - one of the BEST things about kids - is that you truly never know what's coming next.

1 comment:

cvmbner said...

That was great comic relief for me today! Yes, we definitely want bright, ambitious kids who don't give up (or in) easily. Thanks for pointing out the delight in it-- we are a bit frazzled re: how to keep Elijah in his room at bedtime. He has picked apart all our Pavlovian strategies, deciding he doesn't want the incentives and isn't bothered by the consequences. So we're left with that pitter-patter of pajama'd feet in the hall, over and over, with a mischievous grin to go with.

Btw that's excellent handwriting, girls!