Sunday, November 24, 2013

Here's Looking At You, SIX

Our baby turned six years old today.

To celebrate, we threw a crazy, chaotic, and loud (oh so loud) birthday party with 18 kids, 2 babies, and a handful of very brave adults. The house was overcrowded with bodies, voices, sounds...and love. Lots of love for our smart, spunky, inquisitive, sweet, mercurial, kindhearted, funny and fascinating Sophie Patrice.
Cookie Cake in My Little Pony colors.
The birthday girl, soaking up the attention.
So many presents! Very generous friends and family.
Miss Sophie and Miss Julie rock it out.
Our six-year-old!

And a brief video that illustrates the ruling dichotomy of the day...calm (mostly girls, sitting and chatting) on one side, and chaos (mostly boys, annihilating my amazing sport of a husband) on the other. Totally. Awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Grandma deserves a gold star for helping with the event! As to the beatings for Chris - well - boys will be boys!

Grandma Kitty