Tuesday, August 19, 2014

(Not So) Spontaneous Tattoo!

I've toyed with the idea of getting a tattoo since college, and have actively wanted a tattoo for ten years. I've known the exact look and content of my tattoo, and where I wanted it on my body, for over three years. I decided to use turning 40 as an excuse to actually...you know...get the tattoo that I've thought about getting for two decades. And almost 8 months after my birthday...I actually did it! (I know. A bit impulsive, but what can I say?)

After finally pulling the trigger, I am happy to report that I LOVE MY TATTOO. Emma and Sophie love it too. Emma asked if she could get one of her own someday. "Sure!" I replied. After all, I'm no hypocrite. I explained that if she decides to get a tattoo when she turns 40, I will be fully supportive. Em seemed to find this logic fair and just. (Because IT IS.)

BIG, BIG thanks to my castmates Allie and Jordan, who gave me the push I needed to go and stayed by my side the whole time. Without them, it might have taken me another twenty years.That's not a joke.

Just before. So excited! 
And a little nauseous. Lightheaded.
Perhaps thisclose to a mini panic attack. 
Here we go! And...yep. It hurts.
It gets a little better as we go along, but...yep. Still hurts.
My tattoo artist was really good. Thorough, quick, precise, and patient. Bless her.
My friend Allie held my hand the entire time, while also taking tons of one-handed photos, while also telling an elaborate story about a head-dancing mink just to take my mind off the pain. Allie is good people.
DONE! That's a smile of relief, folks. Tremendous relief.
The final product: "starve the emptiness and feed the hunger" - an Indigo Girls lyric that holds great meaning for me.

And...post-tattoo happiness!

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