Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My kids

Let's face it: my kids are rather odd.

Exhibit A:
Sophie started the day happy as a clam - chatting away, giggling, being silly. Suddenly, she stopped mid-conversation and declared, "I'm having a bad day." It was 6:45am. Then she threw herself face down on the floor and lay prone like this:
Why, you ask? I have no idea. That's just how my kid rolls. 

Exhibit B:
About 30 seconds after the face-down-on-floor-bad-day incident, Sophie stood up and announced she wanted to talk with the camera. Here is our conversation - nothing earth shattering, just typical Sophie cuteness:

Exhibit C:
Later, Emma and Sophie had themselves a little clown party in the living room. My favorite part of the video is when Sophie inexplicably stops to hold her butt...and then starts dancing again. Do you see what I am dealing with, people?!?

These are three relatively mild examples of what passes for normal around here. I accept that my attempts at control are merely an illusion. I'm just the mommy pinball, bouncing from one weird thing to the next, trying to keep up.


chrismath said...

our kids are crazy...I love that.

Annie Crow said...

Yours and mine both.I think it comes from us. I mean, what small bodies to try to store such big emotions and creativity in!