Friday, October 22, 2010

I Pee, Therefore I Am

Dare I say it? Okay, I'm just gonna take a deep breath and spit it out. Sophie is now...kinda/sorta/maybe potty trained.


Check it out:

She's already filled half of her second chart, too. Since last weekend, when she suddenly decided out of nowhere that she is a potty prodigy, Sophie hasn't looked back. She wears panties everywhere, and not one accident. Not ONE! She is a peeing master. However...#2? Well, the jury is still out on that one. So far, she has either timed it to go during naptime when she is in a pull up, or she just hasn't gone at all. In fact, we are currently on Day 6 of Sophie Poop Watch. (Why do my children have such screwed up bowels? They are both smart, healthy, happy, beautiful little girls who happened to draw the super short stick in the defecation department.) Except for the dark shadow of Constipation currently hovering over our house, I can't believe how smooth this transition has been...that is, once Sophie finally made up her mind to do it. After the horror of the last few months, the biggest bump in the road this week was when I proudly presented her with a brand new baby doll as one of her special treats and she dropped to her knees and sobbed that she wanted an Oreo instead.

Now, if everyone out there can just do a little poop dance and send it Sophie's way, all will be well.

1 comment:

Annie Crow said...

Wow, I am just not sure I can bring myself to do a poop dance. But I'll cross my fingers for you instead.