Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Another day at the beach

So, Em and I went to the beach today with our playgroup friends. It was a really nice day, and there were three adults and four kids - a good balance. I think everyone had fun. I know Emma sure did. We love going to the beach - and she takes the BEST naps afterwards, which is a definite bonus.

I've felt a little funny today, not sure why. Baby Mathews has been fluttering around all day. I am now five months along, and it feels strange to know now that we are more than halfway there. I feel so much calmer and zen about this pregnancy vs. Emma's. I wish I could go back in time and give the pregnant me from 3+ years ago a big hug and tell her everything would be okay, b/c boy, was that past version of me sure terrified. I didn't even let myself enjoy being pregnant b/c of all my anxiety, so I'm trying really hard to enjoy it this time around...because believe me folks, this one's the second and final. Our family will truly be complete.

I love hearing Emma say that she's wearing her "bathing soup" to the beach, and today she came right up and asked me if I'd ever touched a cloud. She comes up with the most interesting questions and observations every day, and she just gets smarter and smarter and smarter and smarter...I think I'm already feeling out of my depth. She will totally know more than me by kindergarten. Good thing I'm an actress, b/c that's when the REAL faking it will kick in.

As I'm writing all this great stuff about my family and being pregnant, my mind is on my sister Cara, who's in the hospital right now trying to survive the first of probably many, many weeks of violent morning sickness. Her little one is due in February, so she has quite a long way to go. Cara, hang in there. There IS a light at the end of the tunnel, as you well know. Us Sellers girls don't seem to have much luck with the nausea-during-pregnancy bit - hopefully Jayme will be a pro when it comes around to her turn.

More later,

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