Friday, February 29, 2008

Three-month-olds are SO moody

I'm a very proud Mama right now b/c my littlest is sleeping for the first time in her own room. She has been in there since 7 and it is now 10pm...and not a peep. Of course, she's still sleeping in her car seat - the seat is in her room, in her crib - since it's all she's known for three months, we figure we'll give her a few days to adjust to the new location before having her adjust also to a new bed. But the first step in Operation: Sophie Bedroom Shift is in full effect and going well. And the biggest reward is that I just spent a glorious hour laying in my own bed, in my own room, reading a book! One of my all-time favorite things to do, and something I've been unable to indulge in since Soph's been sharing our space b/c the light would wake her up. It's amazing how much you can come to appreciate the little things when suddenly they are taken away from you. I often think a really good book, a comfortable bed and complete peace and quiet is about as close as we get to Heaven on Earth.

So that's the good Sophie story...the not-so-good Sophie story is that she's developed this rather alarming habit just in the last week or so of bursting into tears whenever her father comes near her. And I mean Bursting. Into. Tears. She goes from total contentment to hysteria in about 30 seconds. Poor Chris doesn't even have to pick her up - if I'm holding her, and he comes over to talk and smile at her, she's gone. And if he DOES dare to hold her? She starts screaming so loud and hard that it takes me several minutes to calm her down once she's back with me, which is very out-of-character for her. It is beyond's heartbreaking. My sweet, loving husband, who is the greatest father in the world, now can't get within a foot of his youngest without causing her enormous distress. And she doesn't calm down either. As long as he is near, she is upset. 1 minute...crying the whole time. 20 minutes...STILL crying the whole time. The only thing that she seems to accept is if he holds her in the crook of his arm, facing out. Then she is calm...mostly b/c I think she doesn't realize who is holding her. But if he dares to talk to her, or look at her, she flips her lid. Why? I don't get it. I know it's hurting Chris's sure as heck would hurt mine. This is unprecedented territory for us...Emma seemed to come out of the womb with "Daddy's Girl" tattooed on her bicep, and up until recently Sophie has loved Chris's company. But now she actually acts frightened of him, which is beyond my comprehension b/c he is one of the gentlest, kindest people I know, and I think even at 3 months you can sense that in a person, you know? Now if she were acting this way with me I'd get it a bit more...let's face it, even if you take my best day and put it up against my husband's worst, I'm just really less likable than him. But why she's decided Daddy is in the "Things I Don't Like" category right now - along with baths and having her clothes changed - is a complete mystery to me. I am planning to be gone a good portion of the day tomorrow, and I hope that the time together without me around will help them work this out. If she were a little older I'd just have a very stern talking-to with her and explain to her that this silly behavior will not be tolerated and she needs to stop being mean to Daddy. But considering that right now her language skills are limited to gurgles, smiles and screams, I'm not sure she'd understand. So I guess, in absence of any better ideas, Chris is just going to keep trying until she gets over this phase - and for however long that takes, Emma and I will be right there to give Chris lots of hugs, kisses and reassurance that it will get better soon and that we love him to pieces and Sophie does too, even if she really needs to work on how she chooses to express it. And it WILL get better, right? I mean, has anyone else heard of a baby Sophie's age doing this? If so, tips are welcome.

1 comment:

chrismath said...

Yes, yes...very frustrating. I miss the smiley happy girl that I would have talks with. I hope this phase ends soon.