Monday, August 4, 2008

Busy Monday

Today was a hectic day. First, the girls and I went to the gym. Emma painted a picture and Sophie napped while I tried very, very hard to make it through my Step class without vomiting. Em had her first day of summer play camp after lunch. I was worried she would balk at being left at a strange place with strange people, especially because I had not prepared her for the fact that Soph and I were not staying. However, turns out she could barely be torn away from all the new toys long enough to give a quick kiss goodbye. Sophie and I ran errands during Em's camp time, and it turned out to be a rather painful process. By this point Sophie was overtired and overdue for her afternoon nap, and the girl shrieked the entire time she was in the car seat - relenting only after I had stopped the car and picked her up. So...UPS, library, Target, Walgreens. Four stops, four instances of shrieking/reprieve, shrieking/reprieve, etc. It was heart wrenching. She finally gave in and went to sleep about two minutes before I had to wake her up to go in and get Emma. Poor second children - in a lot of ways, they really do get the shaft.

After naps, work, Daddy time and dinner, I dropped off baby clothes for my friend Jenny's gorgeous new little girl, Margot. Then I went to a meeting at Emma's school, where I basically sat completely silent for an hour while other parents discussed all the horrible things happening at school (i.e., superhero play - Commercialism!, chapter book reading - Too Advanced!, and Disney toys - even MORE Commercialism!). I drove home amid a wicked thunderstorm with fire alarms sounding off all around me and discovered upon arrival that we were under a tornado warning. So we woke up the kids and hung out in the basement with our lovely landlord and neighbor Elena. And now the warning is over, the kids are back to sleep, and I sit here writing this blog while hoping we do not lose our power.

How was your Monday?

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