Sunday, August 24, 2008

pajama party & beach

Em had her first pajama party last night at her school. Her teacher Ben just introduced and implemented the idea last month, and so far it's going well - he gets to earn some extra money, parents get a nice break on a Saturday night and the kids enjoy a sleepover-like atmosphere of games and activities for four hours once a month. Emma was very excited to pick out which pjs to wear, and she kept telling people all day she was going to a "pajama'd party!" I think she had a LOT of fun. She played limbo and musical hugs (the music stops and you find someone to hug) and jungle gym and sang songs and flew balloons and ate pizza and made a Fruit Loop necklace and just had an all-around great time. Here are a couple pics from when Chris picked her up - in the first one Em is on the right, being tickled on Ben's shoulders. The second kinda speaks for itself.
Then today we all went to the beach. The wind was really strong, so we were all covered in sand before we even found a place to sit. We only lasted about an hour before Em started complaining about being cold, but it was still nice to be out and together. Chris even took the girls for a little walk and let me lay in the sun for awhile, which felt positively divine. Gotta get those beach days in while we can, right? Besides, today our littlest turned 9 months old, and what better way to commemorate than to take her out and get her coated in dirt?

1 comment:

anonymous said...

Emma... Marilyn... anybody else see the resemblance?