Friday, August 28, 2009

Emma Graduates Preschool

Okay, let's get something straight right off the bat: YES - I am crying as I type this blog entry, and YES - I'm feeling a bit sappy and sentimental. So sue's not every day your baby graduates preschool.

We just returned from Emma's graduation ceremony, and I am once again reminded of how incredibly lucky we are that in this enormous city, we somehow stumbled upon a small, unique, remarkable community of like-minded parents and teachers. Emma has benefited so much from her time at Hoyne Street Playgroup, and we will miss the friends we have made there. Tonight was a great and memorable ending to such an important chapter in Em's life.

Before any diplomas were dispatched, the kids put on a play for the parents. Led by their teacher Jake, the play seemed to involve superheroes, greek gods, and saving the world. Truly riveting drama. Sophie apparently enjoyed the show immensely, seeing as how she kept chanting "My Emma!" and waddling directly into the action. (Much to Mommy's chagrin might I add, as I was forced to crawl on hands and knees in the wet, muddy grass to retrieve her.) Then we had a little ceremony for the eight graduates, and Emma received a diploma, a custom-made tooth box, a yearbook, a T-shirt and a well-deserved round of applause. The festivities wrapped up with a big potluck dinner. Em gave each of her teachers a big hug and a picture she had drawn just for them. It hasn't even begun to sink in with her that she will no longer be seeing these three special people on a regular basis, and I shudder to think how much she is going to miss them in the coming weeks.

But enough already with all the touchy-feely blabberty-bloo. (I told you I was weepy!) Here are a few of the evening's photos.

Em receiving her diploma from beloved teacher Miss Louise...

Hamming for the camera during her play, with her teacher Jake whooping it up at right and her teacher Ben in the far left background...

This is the best shot I could get of the inside of Emma's tooth box. (Sorry, I know it's blurry.) Her teacher Ben hand-crafted the tooth boxes out of wood and then drew a caricature of each kid inside. I love the personal and individual touch to the boxes, and hopefully Emma will treasure the uniqueness of this gift as she gets older.

And here's the graduate with her three closest preschool friends...Ezra (little mutual crush going on here, I think)...

Gabriel, whom she has known since the age of three months...

And the oft-talked-about and fiercely adored Willa Marie.

I'm going to go read Em's yearbook and have a good cry now. Good Lord, I've no idea how I'm going to make it through the first day of kindergarten.

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