Friday, September 17, 2010

The sweetness of Sophie

I feel so blessed to have a daughter that always reminds me to stop and smell the flowers.

Literally. Every time we walk out of our building, Sophie halts before our landlord's gorgeous potted violets and says, "Mama! We hafta stop and smell da flowers!" Every. Time. The habit usually annoys me in the moment, particularly if we are in a hurry. Yet I often reflect on the ritual later, wishing ruefully that I could do a better job of following my daughter's lead.

We just finished the second week of first grade, and we are still a little off kilter from the change in pace. Emma is exhausted and moodier than usual. So, like, INSANITY moody instead of her normal ridiculous moody. (To the point that I seriously wondered whether or not a six-year-old could have PMS. Children's Midol, anyone?) Em's homework load is even more intense this year. She has two math worksheets every day, 15 spelling words a week, required reading every night, and 3-5 extra worksheets to do over the weekend. It is a LOT of work, and it will only get harder as the year progresses. I am thankful in many ways that Em is part of the accelerated program at her school, but admittedly there are times I wish she could just be "normal" smart so she wouldn't have to deal with all this extra pressure. I've said from the very beginning that if the gifted program feels like too much, we are pulling her out. So, we'll see how it goes. She is sleeping over at her friend Olivia's this evening. When I left, they were playing piano and wrestling and watching Snow White and definitely NOT giving addition or subtraction or spelling a single thought. Good for them.

I am having my own adjustment issues. I seem to have settled into a case of the early autumn blues. I remember this happening last year around the same time. This too shall pass, but lately I just feel a little melancholy. I miss Emma, and I miss summer, and mostly I just really hate watching my baby grow up so very, very fast.

Sophie misses Emma too. She often roams through the apartment mumbling to herself, "Where my Emma? I need my Emma." However, she also enjoys not having to share the limelight. Tonight, with Emma at her friend's house, Sophie got a special treat. She and I get lots of one-on-one time during the week, but she rarely gets Mommy AND Daddy all to herself. We decided to go out to dinner just the three of us, and Sophie reveled in the extra attention. We sang songs and played games and drew pictures and stuffed our faces and had so much fun.

After dinner, Chris ran to the grocery store while I put Sophie to bed. We went through our usual routine - a book, and then a lullaby. Before I sing her a song, we turn off all the lights and settle into the chair together. I rock us softly back and forth, and she burrows her body into mine, hugging my neck tightly and resting her head on my shoulder. It is one of my very favorite times of the day. Tonight I sang "Edelweiss," one of her favorites. After I finished she said, "Mama, you such a good singer! I love you." Then she kissed me on the neck and whispered, "Mommy, tomorrow we smell da flowers, okay?"

Okay, my sweet.

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