Friday, September 10, 2010

Sophie on a Thursday

  • Wakes up talking about how the rat chases Thumbelina and eats her shoe. Then she points over my shoulder and says "There is the rat, right there!" and almost gives Mommy a heart attack before explaining, "Don't be scared, Mama. I just pretending."
  • Runs up to me screaming, "Mommy look, Mommy look!" Then she jumps in the air, lands hard on her bottom, giggles, and shrieks, "I breaked my butt!"
  • Soph: "Let's put money in this little piggy." Me: "I don't have any money, do you have any money?" Soph: "Yes, I do. In my little pocket." She reaches down into the pull up she's wearing and pulls out a goldfish cracker. (Why is there a goldfish cracker in her pull up? I don't know.) Me: "What are you gonna buy with that?" Soph: "Two money dollars and three bunny dollars. And another goldfish."
  • Points at a woman in Costco and screams, "She's got a butt!" The woman (who did indeed have a rather ample derriere) clearly hears and doesn't look too happy. Trying to cover, I say loudly, "Oh Sophie, you are so silly. We ALL have butts, remember?" Sophie replies, "Yes, we do. Mama has butts, and Daddy has butts. And that lady has very very BIG butts!"
  • Throws a tantrum for twenty minutes because I won't let her play with the stapler.
  • Soph: "Hello, Miss Man." Me: "Miss Man? Why are you calling me Miss Man?" Soph: "Because. You are Superman."
  • Asks at the grocery store, "Mama, can we get cheese from deli?" "No honey," I answer, "we don't need anything from the deli today, so we can't get our free slice of cheese." Sophie replies, "That no make sense, Mommy. Yes we do need somefing from the deli. I need cheese."
  • Gets in a fight with her car seat because the straps are twisted. I fix the straps and Sophie rewards me with a big smile and says, "Mama, you so smart. Come here for big wet kisses!"
  • Soph: "Hey! You like stickers like my Emma!" Girl in nursery: "Who Emma?" Soph: "Emma my sister. She loves me."
  • Carries a koosh ball, a plastic cockroach, a polly pocket, the bathroom soap dispenser, one Strawberry Shortcake shoe and a packet of gum around the house in her stroller, calling them her babies.
  • Soph: "Listen. I want to tell you somefing." Me: "Okay." Soph (whispering in ear): "I love you and love you and love you and love you and love you." Me (whispering back): "I know." Soph: "How you know? I just told you!"

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