Sunday, June 19, 2011

Currents: Sophie

Current Books: The latest is her pop-up alphabet book, but it changes all the time. Consistent choices include look-and-find books and the Brain Quest series. She likes anything interactive.

Current Music: Right now, the two songs she requests the most are Maroon 5's cover of "Pure Imagination" and Sean Kingston/Justin Bieber's "Eenie Meenie." It's hard to get her to listen to age-appropriate stuff because she wants to listen to the same songs her big sister likes, although she did ask for "the bee-nana song" (ie, the "Ralph's World" theme song by the Banana Splits) approximately 15 times this weekend. Also, she still gets a kick out of  Pete Seeger's "I Had A Rooster." She and Emma giggle like mad at the part where the baby goes "AWK AWK AWK." (For those that don't know the song, it is pretty funny.)

Current TV/Film: Her two most-requested TV shows of the moment are "Peppa Pig" and "Wow Wow Wubbzy." As for movies, both girls really dig Tangled. Sophie still asks for Thumbelina regularly, but it recently disappeared from our house under mysterious circumstances. Only after I told Chris how upset Sophie was by the movie's absence was the DVD suddenly "found" under the TV console. Now Daddy's a hero for finding it, and Sophie is euphoric to have her beloved film back. Chris claims complete innocence regarding the entire situation, but I do remember the man once claimed that listening to Thumbelina's voice made him want to commit suicide. Just sayin'.

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: I caught her the other day licking everything she walked past in the grocery store. Wall, steel, Lunchables, bologna packages, ham slices, chips display, diapers. So weird. Usually she's content to just touch them. I don't know if you'd call this a "pleasure," but one weird thing she just stopped doing is taking off all her clothes to go poop. Not pee, just poop. She also really likes holding a cough drop in each hand when we ride in the car. Why? I've no idea. 

Current Color: She loves purple, pink, green, blue. Bright, happy colors for a bright, happy girl.

Current Links: She likes watching videos on Nick Jr's site, especially lately because we just survived three weeks with a broken TV. She also enjoys watching Emma play games. She can't quite get down how to navigate the mouse herself, so computer gaming for Sophie is currently a spectator sport.

Current Fetish: One fetish that she has unfortunately adopted from her older sister is the determination to wear nothing but dresses. I keep rotating between the six dresses she owns while gazing painfully at the three drawers full of clothes that go unworn. She also continues to have a weird obsession with washing her hands. If we let her wash unmonitored, the exercise always ends with every hand towel soaked and flung on the floor amid a huge puddle of water. As embarrassing as this is to admit, I often don't insist she wash her hands after going to the bathroom because I don't want to deal with the hassle of pulling her away from the sink as she shrieks, "But I not done. THEY ARE STILL NOT CLEAN!"

Current Outfit: Blue striped sundress

Current Drink: Orange juice. Morning, noon and night. She just had her first dentist visit, and we got a lecture on the orange juice fixation. We are trying to put as much water into the concoction as we can, so right now it's at about 70% water/30% juice, and she hasn't complained. She will drink plain water, but only from my water bottle. Sometimes she endures lemonade or fruit punch, but only if it is a Capri Sun. One time I actually got her to drink chocolate milk, but it must have been during a lunar eclipse because my success has never been repeated.

Current Wish List: Sophie really, really, really wants to go to a carnival. Specifically, she wants to go to a carnival with cotton candy and a ferris wheel and a kiddie roller coaster with a dragon on it. We plan on going to Indiana Beach this summer, so hopefully that will suffice. She also wants to go to her friend Juliana's house, even though Juliana's parents have never invited us. Apparently Juliana said something about it at playgroup, and now Sophie asks about it every day and tells random strangers at the post office, "I going to Juliana's house to play today. Not Emma. Just me." Also, this weekend she announced to Chris and me on separate occasions that she wants to go to Red Lobster.

Current Triumph: Sleeping in a big girl bed! She loves loves loves loves loves her new bed. She loves to snuggle on it, jump on it, sleep in it. She gets into bed the same way every time - standing on the foot end and leaping into the air, landing on her pillow face first. Yes, she has a pillow...and a sheet and blanket, too! This shift is huge because she never allowed a single thing in her crib, ever. She even sleeps with a stuffed animal now. She got a kitten beanie baby that she named Cutie, and that seems to be her go-to snuggle. Unfortunately for my heart, she also enjoys taking Cutie around the house and hiding the kitten in unusual places. The other day, I opened up my purse to find a small, furry, gray, rodent-looking thing stuffed inside, and I was so startled that I screamed and threw my purse in the air. Sophie explained that it was only Cutie taking a nap, but it took at least 30 minutes for my heart rate to come down.   

Current Bane Of Her Existence: Eating dinner. No matter what we make for dinner, she only nibbles. She just doesn't seem very interested in this particular meal. Yet she always wants dessert, so there's the rub. Dinnertime has become a constant negotiation of how many bites she needs to eat in order to obtain dessert, and the process often ends with screaming and tears. (Sophie sometimes gets upset, too. Ba DUM bum.)

Current Celebrity Crush: Taylor Swift and Hello, Kitty.

Current Indulgence: A York Peppermint Patty or Fun Dip.

Current Excitement: She's very excited to go to the pool now that it is officially summer. She asks to go "schwimming" every single day. She is also looking forward to seeing Gigi, Paw Paw, and Grandma Kitty in July.

Current Mood: Generally happy, but moody. She is usually sweet and kind and eager to please, but if she wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, watch out. She throws, hits, screeches, and dissolves into tears very easily. When she goes down that road, there isn't much to do but wait it out. But for the most part, she is the light of our household, and our lives.

1 comment:

chrismath said...

Great summary honey!