Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happy birthday, baby

And time just keeps rolling by right over my face. My baby is now seven years old.

It is no exaggeration to state that on June 9, 2004, my life was changed irrevocably. This feisty, fierce little dynamo was literally drug into the world, and suddenly we were a family. I had dreamed of having a little girl of my own for as long as I can remember, but even in my wildest imaginations, never did my mind conceive of anything as amazing as our Emma Bloom Mathews. Seven years later, she continues to amaze me every single day. No words can ever adequately express what she means to us, so I'll simply you, baby.

Small party this year; only two friends allowed. (I still haven't recovered from the Go Bananas party last year. And I repeat: Never Again.) Em opted for bowling with Zora and Olivia. Sedate, simple, and lots of fun.

There was much debate between the girls about who would get which flower with their slice of cake. I briefly thought there was going to be a throw down over the pink one before lovely Zora pointed out that the birthday girl should have first choice. Disaster (barely) averted. Zora...we love you.
 Really, don't the shoes just make the outfit?

 Celebrating a great throw...which probably meant that some pins actually got knocked over. Thank goodness for bumpers.

Do you guys think she liked her presents? I don't know, I can never tell.

Modeling her new birthday dress. After she got it, she proceeded to wear it three days in a row. I had to keep sneaking into her room after she fell asleep, take it off her floor and wash it during the night.

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