Sunday, February 5, 2012

Swimming, Missing Teeth, and Smiling Wide

I know...I've really been phoning it in with the photos lately. I'm just too busy to write much, so I'll have to keep letting the pictures do the talking.

The girls are both in swimming lessons, and Emma loves it. What she lacks in technique, she makes up for in enthusiasm. She is fearless and completely at ease in the water. Her teacher holds onto the other kids and coaxes them along, but as you can see in the above photo, he doesn't even try to keep up with Emma. He just lets her go. He told me that she is meant to be in the water, and it's hard not to agree when I see how happy it makes her.
This is the face of one very happy girl.

Sophie also loves her lessons, but she isn't quite as comfortable in the water as Emma yet. This photo is about as relaxed as Sophie is able to get right now. (No, she's not playing "Light As A Feather, Stiff As A Board." She's trying to float.) But she's got plenty of time to become more at ease. Sophie's favorite part is putting her face in the water and blowing bubbles. At one point during the lesson she cracked her teachers up by shouting, "Look, Mama! They let us SPIT here!" cute is that little Buddha belly?

In other news, the Tooth Fairy is pretty much our new best friend. Emma has now lost four teeth in the last six weeks or so, and she is in full lisps-when-talks and gnaws-food-out-of-side-of-mouth mode. It is actually pretty charming. What is not so charming is watching Chris pull her barely-dangling tooth out with pliers. Daddy and daughter both claim it doesn't hurt at all, but I skedaddle when it's happening anyway. Even though I cover my ears and sing "Mary Had A Little Lamb" until it is over, I still get queasy just at the thought of it. I'm sorry, but that's nasty. Once again, Daddy does the heavy lifting while I just try to go to my happy place.

When I took a picture of Emma's teeth, Sophie (of course) wanted a photo of her teeth taken too. After I snapped the pic, I giggled and asked where her eyes went. She decided she wanted to take another photo, this time with her eyes open. The photo below is her attempt to smile without shutting her eyes. Personally, I think she might need a little more practice. What do you think?

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