Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Constance Rae Mathews

My heart is so heavy as I type this. My beautiful "bonus" mother-in-law - Chris's stepmother Connie - passed away last night.  

This is my very favorite picture of her.
It was taken on our wedding day, and it captures perfectly Connie's incredible zest for life. She had the most infectious laugh, and it was impossible to keep from smiling whenever she let it rip. She welcomed me with open arms from the moment we met over 16 years ago, and she treated me like nothing less than a daughter from that point forward. I was always so grateful for her easy acceptance and love. But more importantly, I genuinely liked her. She was just so damn much fun to be around. She exuded light, and was happy to share that joie de vivre with strangers and loved ones alike. Her open warmth was contagious. She had a gift for making those near her feel better, simply by virtue of being in her proximity. She was a proud wife, sister, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother whose love for family was pure and fierce and loyal and true. She was my father-in-law's treasured partner, my daughters' beloved Gigi, my husband's second mom...and my dear, dear friend.

Godspeed, Con. We love you. Always.

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