Thursday, November 15, 2012

If I have no face, can anybody see me?

Sophie likes to play the "Which would you rather?" game. Here was her version today...

Soph: "Which would you rather do...go to the public, or climb a tree and get your face eaten off by a mean monster?"
Me: "Um, I think I'd rather go out in public."
Soph: "Ugh! Gross! Not me. I'd rather climb a tree!"
Me: "Well, I know how much you love trees, but the part about the monster sort of scared me off."
Soph: "Yes. That is very scary and it would hurt a lot and you would probably die. But it's much better than going to the public."
Me: "Sophie, what do you think 'going to the public' means?"
Soph: "Like going up in front of all the people and having to talk and sing and stuff. And they SEE you, Mommy. They SEE you."

I'm not sure this one is going into the family business.

1 comment:

Annie Crow said...

Not at this rate, no.

Always fun to dig out the meanings behind some of their phrases. 4 year olds! (Excuse me, almost 5 year olds.)