Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Copy My Copy

Soph: "Emma can make copies of us, you know."
Me: "Copies of us? You mean like...another Sophie?"
Sophie: "Yep. Or another Mommy or another Emma. She really can. I'm serious."
Me: "How does she do that? Did she tell you?"
Soph: "Yes. It's cause she's a vampire."
Me: "Hmmm. That's pretty cool. I had no idea she could do something like that. I can't believe she didn't tell me!"
Soph: "Well, I think she is gonna tell you on your birthday or for Christmas or something."
Me: "Gotcha. But why does being a vampire help her make copies of people?"
Soph: "Because she grows her teeth really long and then they glow into a color and then poof! You are copied. Kinda like the printer."
Me: "I'm not sure I really want a copy of me. Would you like another Sophie hanging around?"
Soph: "Kinda. Like...so I can copy her and stuff."
Me: "So you would copy your copy?"
Soph: [sigh] "Yes, Mommy. That's how it works."
Me: "Oh. I see."
Soph: "And plus she could play with me when Emma has a sleepover. And if I get eaten by a monster she can give you hugs so you won't be sad."
Me: "Oh, honey..."
Soph: "So you need to get a copy, so that if you die, I will still have a Mommy."
Me: ... ... ...
Soph: "Mommy? Did you hear me?"
Me: "Yeah honey, I heard you. Okay then. I'll have Emma make a copy of me, too."
Soph: "Thanks, Mommy."

1 comment:

Annie Crow said...

No fair, making me cry at work.

Five year old logic is just astounding.