Friday, April 18, 2008

Emma on a Friday

Friday Emma report:
  • Informs me at 8am that when Callie gets here this afternoon she will probably want a popsicle, so maybe we should set out two now so they can thaw.
  • Draws little scribbles on two post-it notes and then runs them under the sink, saying they need to dry in the air and be beautiful and shiny. She carries them, dripping, one in each hand, calling them her babies, and lays them carefully on her table in the sun so that they can "hatch and be free."
  • Asks if she can help me fold laundry. I tell her she can put away the towels, and she says, "Yeah, because I'm fast." Then she mutters under her breath as she walks away, "Because I'm so fast."
  • Tries to calm a fussy Sophie by singing to her and making funny sounds. It totally works until Emma decides Sophie's head isn't tilted at the correct angle and tries to "fix it" by grabbing Soph's little noggin and jerking her violently forward. Em seems truly confused when Sophie starts shrieking.
  • Wears a fleece hoodie on top of another fleece hoodie all day, despite the fact that it's over 70 degrees outside and even warmer in our apartment. When I ask her why, she looks perplexed at the question. "They feel good on my skin," she answers--with the unspoken "duh" at the end of her response lingering in the air.
  • After watching Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie for the 11th time in three days, she explains that the movie is "long but not that long; not short, but sort of short; kind of long, kind of short, but mostly yellow." Also, thanks to the movie, she has started yelling, "Attention: I have to go to the bathroom!" before, you know...going to the bathroom.
  • Wakes up from her nap and immediately asks, "Is my family here yet?"
  • Gives me a hug and tells me she loves me even when the sun shines in my eyes.

1 comment:

chrismath said...

She cracks me up---I can't believe you had time to make a post today!