Wednesday, April 30, 2008


We are the house of sick right now, and frankly it is making me cranky. Em and Chris both developed fevers on Saturday. Em's fever didn't seem to slow her down much, but Chris essentially slept the weekend away and was still sick enough Monday to stay home from work. He was diagnosed with a case of the flu and a severe sinus infection, and three days into antibiotics he's a new man, thankfully.

Em also seemed to be getting better, and Tuesday morning I sent her off to school. She had a field trip to the Nature Museum, and she seemed to enjoy it - although she did experience intense anxiety in the Butterfly Room because she was convinced the butterflies were going to poop on her head. I, however, had a rocky day yesterday. After 20 minutes on the cross trainer at the gym, I started feeling really woozy and ended up sort of laying down/napping on a mat for awhile. (Not sure if this is allowed, but I figure I've paid my membership and my nursery fee for the hour, so I'll nap if I want to. Is that wrong? Does anybody else take naps at the gym?) By the time the nursery paged me to deal with Sophie's poopy diaper (yes, I know I talk about poop a lot, but with two little kids it's sorta hard to avoid), I knew I wasn't feeling right. And sure enough, I came home to discover that I too have a fever. I had to work last night, so I just sucked it up and went on, and by the end of the night I felt better.

But today, Fever struck again. Emma's is back up and mine has not gone away. So instead of Group Groove exercise class and a titillating trip to Costco (oh yes, the glamorous lives we lead), we are stuck at home. Again. For the whole long long looongggggg day.

So far the Fever has bypassed Sophie. I will continue to keep my fingers crossed on that one. Hopefully we will all be better tomorrow, because I'm only one more sick day away from amping up the cranky factor. And as my family can attest, no one likes me that way.

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