Thursday, June 19, 2008

Missing Daddy

Chris is in Texas today, having a much-deserved night on the town at his friend Dana's surprise 40th birthday party. They are having dinner and drinks and dancing, which all sounds like a lot of fun to me. But I was most envious of the two hours of downtime he had in his hotel room this afternoon before the party began. Two hours, by yourself, in a hotel room, with nothing but silence for company? I wouldn't want days of that, but a couple of hours sounds heavenly. I'm sure he enjoyed it.

Anyway, Chris is kicking up his heels right about now, which I'm really glad about, but his girls are all missing him. Sophie and I picked up Em from school today, and immediately she asked about her Daddy. She seems somewhat comforted to know he is in Texas because, as she was quick to point out, that's where Sandy is from. (For those of you as intimately acquainted with Spongebob Squarepants as we are in this house, you will know to whom she is referring.) But still, we were all a bit down. So we came home and had a dance recital, one of Em's favorite things to do. Emma is truly a natural-born dancer. I don't know where in the world she comes up with some of her moves, but she can really break it down when the mood hits her. And Sophie thinks Emma's dancing is hysterical...she laughs and waves her arms in the air the entire time. Here are a couple pics of Em groovin'.

Sophie didn't seem to want to go to bed, so I let her stay up a little later than usual..."let" being used loosely here since I really didn't have a choice after she cried so hard she vomited the first time I tried putting her down. She was my helper during Emma's bedtime routine, and she had a ball pretending to go to sleep like a big girl in Em's bed. Two hours past her bedtime, below is the face of a girl who knows she has Mommy right where she wants her.

Chris comes back home tomorrow, but even one night without him is a lot for us. We are a tight quartet. When one of us is missing, the rest are just out of tune. Case in point: I'm up right now writing this blog instead of going to bed like I should because I know I'll sleep horribly without him here. Hurry home baby, we miss you!

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