Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holiday Fever

Today was entirely dedicated to putting up our Christmas tree and holiday decorations. I love our apartment during the month of December. It feels so warm and welcoming to me. This year is especially fun because Emma is at the perfect age to understand and eagerly anticipate the whole countdown until Christmas, and she was SO excited to hang ornaments on the tree. She also helped me hang our brand new stockings and then kept checking inside the one with her name, asking if Santa had come yet. (Okay, maybe she doesn't completely get the whole countdown, but she's learning.) For those of you too far away to visit us during the holiday season, pics of tree and stockings for you. Pretty, no? (Much better in person, but still, you get the idea.)
Chris has been introducing Emma to some of his favorite rock bands, including Stray Cats. So while we were waiting for Chris to get the lights on the tree just so, Em began running around in circles singing, "I don't bother chasing mice or owlves, whoa no!...howling to the moonlight on a hot s-s-sauce..." and other strange variations on the "Stray Cat Strut" lyrics that were totally cracking Chris and me up. Sophie helped decorate as well, although her contributions were less direct. When not stuffing her face with quesadilla, she spent most of her time clutching huge chunks of icicles in her hands and pumping her fists in the air as Emma sprinkled the icicles on her head and shouted "pixie dust, pixie dust" over and over again.

It was a good day. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and let December begin!

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