Thursday, July 30, 2009

Miss Manipulative, version 2.0

I just put Sophie down for a nap. She'd been quiet for about 10 minutes when I suddenly heard her yell quite clearly, "Help! Help! Help!" She often jabbers for awhile before falling asleep, but shouting a word repeatedly is unprecedented, so I quickly ran into the room to see if she was all right.

During the short trip from dining room to bedroom, my mind raced through many possible scenarios just waiting to be discovered upon opening her door. I thought maybe I'd find her wedged between the crib rails, or caught mid-straddle while trying to climb out of the crib, or possibly even tangled up in the mobile or stuck under the mattress. But when I rushed into the room, she was just standing in her crib, waiting for me. I smothered her with frantic hugs while demanding, "Are you all right? What are you doing, baby? You said 'help,' I thought you were hurt, you're supposed to be asleep!"

Finally I calmed down enough to notice that she was absolutely beaming at me, smiling from ear to ear. I stepped back to get a better look at her and she said, "Mama come, Mama come!" She was so pleased with herself, her entire body was shaking with pleasure.

As I stood dumbfounded, she proceeded to lay down and say, "Sophie sleep Mama. Sssh. Night night."

I had been dismissed. And completely, successfully and unequivocally played by my 20-month-old daughter.

Sophie seems to have picked up some tricks from her big sister on how to keep Mama on the run.

It is official now. Sophie is no longer on my team.

I am outnumbered. And outsmarted. And very, very frightened.


Unknown said...

Oh no, now the REAL fun begins :)

Annie Crow said...

That's my girl!