Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Miss Manipulative

Emma's tummy isn't feeling very good (her words) and she's still recovering from a fever, so I was very firm with her tonight about going to sleep right away, no nonsense. ("No nonsense" is my bedtime go-to phrase, which basically means, "No delay tactics of any kind or I will take away [insert specific threat here].")

Of course, as soon as I closed the door she started begging for "one more hug and kiss." After receiving no response from me, she opened the door and demanded, "Didn't you hear me?" As I'd threatened, I told her no gum tomorrow because she got up out of bed. Then I led her back into her room and told her if she did it again that I would take away all her snuggles. She started sobbing, "But I haven't seen you all day because I was at school, and I love you and miss you and I cried for you at naptime and said 'I miss my Mommy, I love my Mommy,' and now you are being rude to me when all I want to do is love you."

She got her extra hug and kiss. And yes, I'm well aware that I'm a sucker.

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