Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Monsters or Angels?

Here's a pic of the girls kissing each other goodnight just minutes ago. They look so sweet, don't they?
You'd never guess from this photo that just hours earlier, both girls were utter monsters. Emma lost her mind at the mall and started wailing, "You just don't understaaaaaaaaaaaand me!" because I accidentally got her the big red gumballs instead of the little red gumballs from the candy machine. Sophie threw herself on the floor in Walmart and screamed, "My shiny! My shiny!" because I wouldn't let her touch the gold tooth in the mouth of the woman behind us in line. (No joke: at one point the woman looked at me, completely deadpan, and asked, "If I let her touch it, will she shut up?")

Yeah. Pictures can definitely be deceiving.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Um, I think this story is hilarious. Probably because I can relate.

"My shiny! My shiny!"

LOL, indeed.