Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sophie Stories

Sorry I haven't posted lately. Here are a couple funny Sophie moments from this week. (For those who keep up with me on Facebook, I apologize for the repetition.)

Story #1:
Sophie's really been fighting naps lately. One recent afternoon, I'd been listening to Sophie scream "No want nap, my want lollipop!" from her crib for about 10 minutes. I finally went in and told her in my firmest voice that it was time for sleep. She replied, "Mama no boss to me. My want lollipop NOW!" A very long stare-off commenced. Right when I was ready to throw in the towel, she flopped onto her stomach and said, "Okay, Mama. Nap time. Love you." I walked quietly out of the room and closed the door on complete silence. Victory! Mama wins! I practically danced back to my desk. Approximately four minutes later, I heard her telling the fish on her mobile that they couldn't have any lollipops. After another two minutes she started shouting, "Maaaaaaaa-ma! Come get me now, Ma-ma. My no tired, Mama. My want hug. My need hug fwom you, Ma-ma." A really long pause followed before she delivered the death punch: "Maaaaa-ma. My love you vewy much, Ma-ma." I caved and got her up.

Story #2:
While I was checking in at my gym's front desk, Sophie screamed "NOOOO!" at an unsuspecting old lady walking through the front door. Why? Who knows. The poor woman was so startled that she actually turned around and left. I had to run outside, chase her down and explain that the crazy shrieking toddler in the purple coat was, in fact, harmless. Because the lady clearly spoke only Korean (and I, um, don't), our entire conversation boiled down to this: "[Profuse, rambling apology on my part, culminating with two final words]...It's okay." "O-kay?" "Yes! Yes, I promise it's okay now." "O-kay?" "Uh huh, yes, it is definitely okay." "O-kay?" "Yes. Okay." "O-kay?" "Okay." "O-kay?" "O-kay!" My fourteenth "okay" must have been really convincing, because she finally agreed to come back inside with me. I gave Sophie my fiercest you-are-so-in-trouble look and prompted, "What do you say to the nice woman for scaring her?" Sophie grinned her sweetest smile and said, "Excuse me. My sorry. That was big loud!"

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