Friday, May 14, 2010

Catching Up

Snippets from the last week or so...
  • Sophie met someone new at Em's bus stop recently. "Hi, I'm Sophie!" she exclaimed. "And this is fun Mama!" she added, pointing at me.
  • Watching Bambi II, I teared up at the always. "Mom, why are you crying?" demanded Emma. "When you do that, it makes my tummy feel like it wants to throw up."
  • Mid-tantrum, Sophie threw a toy across the room and screamed, "You stupid!" I explained that we don't say that word. "Why? Emma say stupid," Sophie asked. "Sometimes she does," I agreed. "But it is against the rules, and when she says it, she is put in time out." "Okay Mama," Sophie said. I turned to walk away. Sophie suddenly threw her head back and wailed, "Stuuuuuuuuu-pid!" Before I could even respond, she walked happily to the time out chair and climbed right on. "Time out for Sophie! Two minutes!"
  • I overheard Emma telling a friend, "When I was a baby, I went outside and there were black beetles EVERYWHERE and they crawled on me and I cried and cried and cried." Noticing my stunned face, she then clarified, "Mom, you weren't there. We didn't know each other yet."
  • Our babysitter Margaret shared the following exchange from when she was coloring with the girls. Emma: "I am only good at drawing 5 year old things like ballerinas, and Sophie only does squibbles." Sophie: "No Emma, these not squibbles. These are diapers."
  • Sophie is constantly underfoot, and the other day I did a face plant while trying to keep from stepping on her. Sophie looked terrified, but once I assured her I was fine, she started giggling and her eyes got really wide. "Wow, Mama! Wow! You felled right on your face! I never seen dat before in my whole LIFE! Dat's a cool trick."
  • Emma: "Sophie, stop. You're annoying me." Sophie: "Oh! Sorry Emma. It was an accident." Emma: "That's okay, Sophie. I know you can't help it. It's just the way you are."
And a video example of a random afternoon at home...

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