Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sophie on a Wednesday

Woke up to Sophie's bloodcurdling screams. Terrified, I literally ran to her room, convinced she had somehow managed to set herself on fire or sever a limb. As soon as Sophie caught sight of me, all screeching ceased and she broke into a huge grin. "Mommy, hi! You're awake! Can we please go climb a mountain today?"

The girls had a great time in Florida with their grandparents and the entire Wilson clan. (I promise to post pictures soon!) Aunt Carrie crocheted scarfs for the girls, and Sophie loved being her crocheting assistant.
Carrie attached a little bell to the end of the scarf, which rings every time Sophie experiences sudden movement. Sophie usually loves the ringing, but in the car today, she wasn't feeling it. "Ma-maaaaa! Every time you make the car do fast, it brings my jingle down. Don't bring my jingle down, okay?"

During the same aforementioned car ride, Sophie pointed up at an airplane with a huge plume of dark smoke trailing behind it. "Look, Mama! That airplane tooted out poop all over da sky!"

Sophie: "I saw Santa Claus last morning."
Me: "You did? Where did you see Santa?"
Sophie: "On the street. He was walking around and looking for where all the Christmas went."

When we left for Florida, there was snow all over the ground. Upon our return, it was gone. This confused Sophie greatly. I explained that when we went to Florida, the snow melted away. She seemed satisfied with that response, and I thought the conversation was over. Then today, out of nowhere, she looked out our window and burst into tears. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Mommy, why did Florida dead kill our snowman?" she wailed.

Sophie has finally started attempting to go #2 on the toilet (as opposed to timing her bowel movements for naps or bedtime so she can use a pull up, which has been her impressively successful avoidance strategy for the last six months). Tonight was her second straight success on the potty. "Hooray!" I shouted. "What do you have to say for yourself, big girl?" Sophie beamed and exclaimed, "Yay! I go poop just like a dolphin!"


Annie Crow said...

Congrats to Sophie! And glad everyone had a good time in Florida.

FYI, my blog changed a couple of months back, and the new address is (the address now matches the title).

theparakeet said...

The O-ster saves all poop for sleep as well. Glad to know it will one day move to wake time.