Saturday, February 5, 2011

Let's Play Catch-Up, Shall We?

I know, I know. I've been horrible at blogging lately, haven't I? Add it to the list of failures, I guess. I've been dropping the ball in many areas of my life recently. Usually I'm a great juggler, but sometimes...well, sometimes the old (so very, very old) arms get tired and the balls come crashing down. These last couple of months, there have been bouncing balls a-go-go. Anyway. Now that I've effectively bludgeoned the whole ball metaphor to death, let me say that I am sorry.

What follows is some of this, a little of that. I just don't have the energy to write one cohesive, insightful, focused blog post. Maybe after a nap. Or, like, several. For now, this will have to do.

My niece and nephew came up to visit us a few weeks ago. Callie and Emma were stuck together like glue, as usual. Except when they were fighting, which is also usual. And poor Cadin...being surrounded by princess-obsessed girls for two whole days really took its toll.
 Frousins. (ie, cousins and friends). My new word. Let's see if it catches on.

 I think this photo was taken about an hour after Cadin's arrival. 
He learned quickly that resistance is futile.

We had ourselves a good old-fashioned blizzard up here in these parts this week. Actually, it seems to have hit most of the U.S. at one point or another. We got some wicked wind and about two feet of snow. The city essentially shut down for two days - no school, no work for Chris, no rehearsal or work for me. power for our family. FOR 42 HOURS. Oh, yes. It was lovely. The first night we braved at home, but when our apartment's temperature dipped into the forties, we jumped into Stella (yes, my car's name is Stella...what of it?) and slip-slided our way to Jayme's tiny studio apartment. That's right - the five of us and two cats in a two-room apartment. Good times. But who cares if you couldn't turn around without hitting someone? Jayme was a saint to take us in, and we had fun watching movies and playing games and trying to keep Oz from jumping on Sophie's head while she slept. (Actually, the last part wasn't so fun. In fact, I believe that particular pastime woke us up about 15 times during the night and resulted in a punctured air mattress, scratched-up bathroom door and four exhausted humans. Oz and I are still not back on speaking terms.) We were safe and warm and very grateful not to be stranded overnight on Lake Shore Drive or stuck outside with no shelter, like many other city dwellers were. And there's nothing like a crisis to let you know who your friends are. We received at least 10 genuine offers from people to come crash at their place until our heat was restored. We are incredibly lucky to be surrounded by so much love and generosity.

The actual storm was really eerie. Snow was flying everywhere, but what was really disconcerting was the thunder and lightning. I'd never seen that during a snowstorm, and I can now officially say that the sight was quite bizarre. Also, the wind was so loud that I thought the smoke monster from "Lost" was coming to get me. Creepy. I tried to snap a pic of the view out our window when the snow and wind really started picking up, but the camera didn't quite capture it. My idiotic self-portrait doesn't really capture it either. Or my little video. But I've included all three here anyway.
This was early in the storm b/c you can still see all the cars!

Yes, I know I look red hot in my winter hat. Stop drooling and get control of yourself, please.

Lastly, here's a little video of what I've been up to the last few months. ( the link to see it.) I'm rehearsing a show called Heddatron, which is part of Steppenwolf Theatre's Garage Rep. Steppenwolf shot rehearsal footage of the three companies performing this year. Our show is last, so be patient! (Or fast forward.) Oh - and if you think the robots look cool in the video, just you wait - they are beyond cool now. Seriously. Don't come see the show for me - I'm in it for a total of five minutes. COME FOR THE ROBOTS.

And...that's really all I got right now. More later. Maybe much later. I make no promises.

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