Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ramona to the rescue

Oh Blog, how I have failed you.

It's been a crazy few weeks. We have been thoroughly defeated by illness. Chris missed several days of work with the flu, and then it quickly moved through Sophie and me before digging its claws in Emma and keeping them there for a week. And life, as always, doesn't slow down. Previews for Heddatron, prepping for Sinbad: The Untold Tale, performing with Erasing the Distance, plus plain old life and my natural predisposition toward procrastination have all conspired to keep me from other stuff I should be doing, like updating this blog. My deepest apologies. Again.

And now, I'm not sure where to start. I think I'll keep it simple and just say what's on my mind. Right now, it's pride - pride at what a voracious little reader Emma has turned out to be. Reading is my all-time favorite thing to do in the world, and I've been very hopeful that my girls would learn to love reading as well. Emma definitely has. She's only six, but her reading skills are very developed for her age. She blows through books at a remarkable rate. And the best news? When looking for something to do, she usually chooses reading first, drawing second, and playing her Nintendo DS THIRD! Yay! Do you have any idea what this means? THE MACHINES HAVE NOT YET WON! There's still hope, people! (And yes, Kindle - I'm looking at you.)

So, the other day, I discovered Emma curled up in my bed, happily reading a book that meant so much to me when I was a little girl. I snapped a picture to document the moment because, quite honestly, the vision of her lying there actually brought me to tears. I can't begin to express how much joy this photo brings me.
Bless you, Beverly Cleary. Ramona was such a dear friend to me as a girl, and she is becoming a dear friend to my daughter as well. LONG LIVE RAMONA QUIMBY! And long live books.

And now...stop reading this blog and get thee to a library!

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