Saturday, October 16, 2010

Potty Training: Progress Report 4

My daughter confounds me.

Since my last progress report, we've taken a total break from potty training. Sophie is back in pull ups, and she hasn't gone near the toilet in weeks. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she announces Thursday afternoon that she feels like she has to go. We go in and sit...AND SHE PEES IN THE TOILET. I'm not talking a few dribbles here either, but an actual stream of urine, people. Not only that, but she does so with the ease of a seasoned pro. She sits there, peeing away, with a huge smile on her face and knowing gleam in her eyes that says, "No big deal. I was ALWAYS capable of this, you idiots."

I thought it was a fluke. Then yesterday, she does it two more times. She even pees for SPECTATORS, inviting my friend Genevieve to come in and watch her do her stuff. She's actually showing off how good she is at this!What the what? I don't get it, but I'm not gonna question it. I'm only praying that it lasts. No pressure. She is still in pull ups. We aren't asking her if she has to go or forcing her to sit on the toilet in timed intervals or any of that junk. This time, everything is super casual. Sophie is clearly running the show here, which apparently was what she wanted all along. I am just following her lead. Who knows if this streak will continue, but right now a very proud and happy toddler resides in our house. (Oh - and one confused but VERY relieved mother.)

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