Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day!

This city - and, I have to assume, this entire country - is absolutely electrified today. From the moment I left the apartment this morning, you could feel the difference. Everyone has huge smiles on their faces. Strangers are waving hello to each other on the street. At a red light, the person next to me tooted his horn and mouthed "Go Barack!" with a fist pumped into the air. At the gym, five people in my power class were wearing Obama tee-shirts and three gym acquaintances hugged me, literally too full of joy to do anything other than share it. At the grocery store my cashier asked me, "Are you enjoying the first day of a new America?" The energy is tangible and contagious and refreshing and completely ALIVE.

Sophie and I just watched Obama's inauguration on TV, and I explained to her who is who and what they do for our country. I think she understands. When Senator Feinstein gleefully introduced "President Barack Obama," Sophie actually clapped. He kinda lost her during his speech, but for at least 20 seconds there, she was totally on board.

Hail to the Chief! And bless him as he fights the good fight. The Mathews family plans to do all we can to help.

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