Friday, January 9, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Oh goodness, I'm a bit behind on my postings here, aren't I? So sorry, we've just been a bit busy. We had a wonderful Christmas and the girls got huge piles of stuff to help further their spoiling. We spent four days in Indiana with my family, and the weather went from bitter cold with snow to strong winds and snow drifts to freezing rain, an ice storm, hail, regular rain, and finally 60+ degree temps with everything melting and huge floods. Crazy. But despite Mother Nature's mood swings, we were still able to see lots of family and even meet the newest Nelson, little Olivia. Oh, and I turned 35. But who wants to hear about that? Below is Sophie with Grandpa, the girls on Christmas night (with Sophie holding her new baby doll, which we've oh-so-originally dubbed Dolly, as in "Doll-ie"), and Callie, Em and Sophie goofing around with Grandma.
We were all fighting one form of sickness or another as we left on New Year's Day for a week in Florida with Chris's mom and stepfather. But just a few hours of glorious sun and warm temps restored us all. We spent most of our time at the beach or the pool, and the girls had a fantastic time with Grandma and Grandpa Kitty. We discovered that Sophie is a definite water baby and loves the taste of sand, and Emma would wear water wings and float in the pool 24/7 if she could. Emma cried most of the way to the airport because she didn't want to leave, so I'd say that means the trip was a success. Below are the girls with Chris and me on the beach at sunset, at the pool and with their Grandma and Grandpa Kitty.
We are now back home after being welcomed off the plane last night to news that Chicago is under a winter storm advisory and we are expected to have 8-11" of snow by tomorrow morning. Sigh. And because the world apparently doesn't accept "recovery after vacation" as a legitimate excuse to have a mental health day, I have to dash downtown now in the lovely snow to record a TV demo and then get Em to a birthday party out in the 'burbs before coming home to cook about 100 cookies for ICT's 24 hour project tomorrow.

But at least we have those Florida memories to keep us warm.

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