Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Odds and Ends

I gave Sophie her first haircut yesterday. I cut about 1.5 inches off the back so it wouldn't look so mullet-y. Her hair looks pixie-like now. Considering the fact that she totally FREAKED OUT the entire time I was doing it, I think it looks pretty darn good.
Today my dear friend Meg stopped by with her little Isabella. I had forgotten how small and wonderful a two-month-old feels! Emma immediately claimed Meg for herself and informed me that they wanted "alone time" to play. Sophie was napping, so I got to lay on the bed with Isabella and just inhale her wonderful infant smell as she drifted in and out of sleep. She is such an angel. And we even got a smile out of her!
In other random news, Sophie's new favorite thing in the world is the book "Moo, Baa, La La La." She carries it with her throughout the house, whining/growling/screaming until someone agrees to read it to her. She also loves to stand, so she pulls herself up to anything and everything, hangs for awhile, and then begins screeching because she wants down but can't remember how to do it. Both of these things were really cute at first, but have quickly turned annoying.

Emma spent her time in the gym nursery today "exercising" with one of the caregivers, Celia. When I came to pick her up, I found her stripped down to her tank top and leggings because she and Celia had "worked-ed up a sweat." When I told Emma that I had been exercising too, she looked at me quizzically and said, "No Mommy, not pretend exercising...Celia and I were exercising for real."

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