Sunday, February 15, 2009

Birthdays and Barfing and Clean Apartments!

The girls and I just got back from our trip to Indiana to celebrate Cadin's 1st birthday. Happy birthday, Cadin Michael! We had so much fun. It was a weekend of family, and the girls ran wild and thrived on all the extra attention. Emma and Callie were inseparable as usual, and Cadin and Sophie couldn't stop touching and mimicking each other. Here are a couple pics of the two sets of cousins hanging out.
The worst part of the weekend was Saturday morning, when a very sick Chris announced he wouldn't be coming to Indiana with us because he had a wicked case of the stomach flu. Not only did I feel awful that Chris felt so badly, but I also dreaded travelling with the girls alone. But travel we did, and despite one dead car battery and no radio for the whole trip back, it ended up being fine. And the BEST part of the weekend was coming home to a relatively healthy husband - who missed us all terribly - and an absolutely immaculate apartment! I'm still stunned. Chris cleaned every single room of our place, all while trying to keep down toast. Amazing. He even had pizza waiting for us when we walked in the door, and actually apologized to me because he didn't have the energy to mop. :) How many men out there (or women, b/c hell - I wouldn't do it!) would use a free 24 hour pass while recovering from the flu to go on a several-hour cleaning spree? I spend a lot of time on this blog talking about our girls, but not nearly enough time extolling the many and varied virtues of my glorious spouse. So Chris, here's your much deserved blog shout-out. I love you baby.