Sunday, January 10, 2010

A king among men (or, in our case...women)

Chris and Emma have been working hard all weekend on her Charlotte's Web project. What Charlotte's Web project, you ask? Oh, the huge winter break project due tomorrow that was assigned to Emma three weeks ago. She and her Daddy started on, yesterday. Yeah. But boy, did they make up for lost time! They both put so much effort into the project, and the final product turned out really cool.

First they created a written report consisting of 10 interesting facts about spiders, a breakdown of all the parts of a spider's body, and a Venn diagram comparing "real" spiders to the spider Charlotte in the book. But the true piece de resistance is a spider made out of clay, complete with web. Picture is below. Pretty awesome, huh?

The school is hosting a formal presentation Tuesday where the kids get to show off all their hard work, and Chris has been testing Em to make sure she has all the names and facts down. Unfortunately parents aren't invited to the presentation, because I wish Chris could be there. Honestly, I'm not sure who is more proud of themselves - Emma or Chris!

I told Em she is very lucky to have such a creative and caring Daddy. She agreed, but I don't know if she gets just how very lucky she really is. However, her Mama gets it. Ever heard the saying about how nothing is sexier than watching a man with his children? Yeah...I can get on board with that.


chrismath said...

Thanks honey! I'm not sure who had more or Emma.

Annie Crow said...

"Ever heard the saying about how nothing is sexier than watching a man with his children? Yeah...I can get on board with that."

Agreed, agreed. Especially when said kid is giggling hysterically.