Monday, January 4, 2010

Sophie at war...and at peace

Sophie has developed a rather alarming bedtime routine since returning from Indiana. When we put her to bed, our normally easy-to-sleep child now wails at the top of her lungs until we go back in to her. It doesn't seem to matter how long we wait her out (believe me, we've tried); she will not relent. We were bringing her out to the living room for awhile before putting her back in the crib, but the last few nights I've gone in and rocked her. She calms down the minute I pick her up. I don't have to sing or make soothing sounds. In fact, she doesn't even really need the rocking. She just settles onto my lap with her head on my shoulder, breathing deeply as she clings to me. And we stay that way, her and me, for 15 minutes or so. About the time I feel myself falling asleep, I lay her back down. She cries for maybe 30 seconds, then dozes off.

In general, she's been a bear to be around the last few weeks. She's teething, and I suppose that's what has altered her sleep patterns as well as her mood. Or it could be something else; who knows? We don't have much choice but to ride it out. Her outlandish moodiness, fits of anger and penchant for blood-curdling screams are driving Chris and I around the bend, but I don't mind her recent bedtime freak-outs nearly as much. Truth be told, I relish that time with her in the dark, holding her tight. Thankfully both my girls are snugglers, because a child stingy with affection would break my heart! I'm grateful that Sophie and Emma need lots of hugs and kisses to get them through the day. But they don't often burrow in any more - do you know what I mean? The intense physical connection and need that a mother shares with breastfeeding babies all but disappears by the time toddlerhood comes around. The last few nights with Sophie have felt reminiscent of that earlier time, and I've thoroughly enjoyed those lovely, precious moments.

Plus, the memory of Sophie's warm skin and soft breath as we sit in the quiet of her room helps sustain me when she's shrieking "NO!" and hitting me in the face or flinging herself on the floor...which lately is about 85% of the day. Gotta love the Terrible 2's, huh?


chrismath said...

I love this post. It speaks volumes of you as a Mom and Sophie as a child.

Annie Crow said...

Danny's been having a hard time in the night since we came back from Ohio as well... I couldn't write as lyrically about it as you do, though.

Good luck with the tantrums, etc.. You know I read your blog for tips going forward, don't you. Well, that, and because you're an entertaining writer.

Jen the Rambler said...

Oh Anne, thank you. You've no idea how much I needed to hear that. :) I hope Danny readjusts soon. Sophie was fine last night - no trace of her recent pattern. Go figure...just when you think you've got them figured out...