Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sophie on a Tuesday

A lot of ground can be covered on the car ride to school...

Sophie: "Where do mustaches come from - caterpillars or butterflies?"
Me: "You have a substitute at school today. Miss Louise isn't feeling well, so Cary will be your teacher."
Soph: "Cary is a nice guy." [pause] "Yeah. I think I can work with him."
Sophie loves to chew her food into weird configurations and then "play" with them. For about 10 minutes this morning, all I heard from the back seat was oddly-shaped pop-tart bits talking to each other: "This is the ladder. This is the sliiiiiiide. This is the ladder. This is the sliiiiiiide." When I finally hit my breaking point and asked Sophie to stop, she replied, "But it isn't me, Mommy. It's the pop-tarts. And pop-tart mommy said it was okay."
Sophie: "If I had $5 and could get anything I wanted from the grocery store, I would get reg-lee-er juice, a candy bar, fun dip, cowgirl rope, a ring pop, and a pair of boots."
Soph: "I miss Emma."
Me: "I know honey, but you'll see her tonight."
Soph: "I love my sister. I love what she says. She is the smartest sister that I ever have, did you know that, Mommy? It's true! Look it up!"

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